web development ecommerce

ECommerce (Web Development)

$Rs.60,000 Rs.50,000

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has beenin the stand ard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrames bled it make a type specimen book.

eCommerce (Web Development) Packages

  • Easy to Use Admin
    :Not much technical knowledge required
  • Password Protected
    :Admin Interface
  • Ability to Add / modify / delete Categories, subcategories
    :Related Information
  • Add/ modify / delete products
    :Related Information like Price, Image, Description, title, model number, stock, etc.
  • Ability to place a single product
    :Multiple Categories
  • Ability to Add / modify / delete Manufacturer
    :Name and Logo, which can be displayed on the product page
  • Ability to Manage
    :All Type Static Pages (like about us, terms and condition, etc.)
  • Inventory Stock Management
    :Product Level
  • Order Management Features
    :View the Order Information and Change in Status
  • Invoice
    :Generation and Printing.
  • Content Posting
    : Text, Image and/or Video
  • Ability to Checkout
    : Without Account Guest Checkout) OR One Page Checkout
  • Customer able to create wish list
    : Yes
  • Banner Management
    : Yes (Add Banners from backend at predefined places)
  • Real Time Shipping Rates
    : Yes (for the customer to choose from UPS, USPS, Fedex, etc)
  • Cross Selling – Upselling
    : Yes (Showing a Product Y when a user is browsing Product X)
  • Quantity Discounts
    : Yes (Offer Discount on multiple quantity purchases)
  • Multiple Admin Accounts with Permission Module
    : Yes (Can be used to give access to only specific section of the backend)
  • Free Andriod App
    :Yes (Pre-Created Ready Made App which we can just change the Logo and Colur, and ready to be uploaded to the Google Play App Store)