Mobile Application
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Mobile Application (Apple + Android) and Website (Business)
Rs.1,60,000 Rs.,1,20,000
Application development really showcases the power and efficiency of what the web is capable of doing. For instance, sharing medical information between two hospitals on opposite sides of the planet or a family reunion with aunts and uncles from all over the world but no one left home - gotta love web cams.
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Mobile Application (Apple + Android) Plan
- iOS + Android platform
- Intuitive UI/UX design
- Push notification
- Map integration
- Analytics
Business (Website Designing) Plan
Professional Web Design:12-25 Pages
- Domain*: One Year*
- Web Hosting Free: One Year
- Mobile - Fully Responsive: Yes
- Add-Ons Pages:- Yes (Chargeble)
- Custom 404 Error Page: Yes
- Logo Design: Yes
- Search Engine: Friendly URLS
- Source Ordered, Highly:Optimized For SEO
- HTML Code: Cleanup & Optimization
- Internal link structuring and optimization: Yes
- Robots.txt:Yes
- HTML Site Map: Yes
- XML Sitemap: Creation & Submission
- Email Support & Help Centre: 9 Months
- Enquiry Form: 3
- Web Maintaince: 9 Months
- TimeLine: 22 Days
- Monthly Traffic Reports: Google Analytics Integration
- Google Analytics Setup & Integration: Yes
- google Webmaster Setup: Yes
- HTML 5 and CSS3: Yes
- Layout:2 Design
- Favicon, IOS, Android and Windows 8 icon customisation:Yes
- Social Media Integration: Facebook, Twitter etc. ( The business pages are to be created and managed by the customer)
- You Tube Integration:Yes
- Breadcrumbs:Yes
- Uses Google Maps: Contact Page
- Google Map Integration:Yes
- Dynamic Elements:Yes
- Testimonials: Scrollable
- Slideshows & Galleries: yes
- Business Email Id: Yes
- Browser Compatability: Yes (IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, iPhone/iPad, Android and Blackberry